
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

A little bit of Chile

  A place in Chile that i would like to visit again it's Pichidangui in the region of Coquimbo My family and I went to Pichidangui in february 2022, we stayed there per 1 week during the vacations, we were 4; my mom, my dad, my brother and I. Our main objective was to go diving in my older brother's diving center, and that was what we mainly do but also we spent a good time eating in a very good restobar of sushi, where I found my favorite roll made of octopus. We also escaped one day to Los Molles, which was 1 hour away, to do some surfing and we spent the whole day on the beach, the waves were firing, it was really big. One of my favorite experiences was to go diving to a shipwreck, the Indu 8, which was an old whaling ship situated at 33 meters deep. The visibility at that depth was incredible, we saw a lot of fishes and very big jellyfish, and we also entered the captain cabin. I really enjoyed this trip because usually we don't travel to a place we don't really kno

A family member

Locky is my dog he is 9 years old and he is a dachshund or sausage dog, he is brown with a little of white in his chest. We adopted him from a Pet Expo, and he lives with us in our department.  The things he likes the most are to go outside, take a lot of sun, sleep in a human bed, get dirty, eat fruits, eat some socks, go travel and have his stomach scratched. He is really hyperactive, he likes to destroy things and also steal some clothes and food. He dont like to meet new people, especially with the mens he doesn't have a good relationship with. When he was younger, one time we traveled with him to Easter Island, since he was naughty, he liked to escape and run away and even though we punished him, he didn't pay attention until one day he ran out and a motorcycle ran over his paw and luckily the injury was not too serious, but after that he never escaped again. For me and my brother, Locky is like another brother, he grew up with us from a very young age and accompanies us i


As a child I went to a French school and I had Spanish and English classes. I learned english at school for 7 years.    I found it easy to learn English, the fact that the English language it's everywhere allows you to learn a little bit every time. Although it's not all easy, for me it is very difficult sometimes to remember words when I'm speaking with someone.        Out of class I usually practice English with youtube videos and some films depending if the dubbing to spanish is good or not. Also in one of my friend's houses their parents speak in English every time so I practice my ear everytime when I am with them.     In English classes I like listening activities or speaking activities because it's more useful and it requires more practice than writing in english.   I think English will be useful in the future and it's also really useful right now, it is the main language of the world, even all the universities and schools teach how to speak English, it i

The boy in the Striped Pyjamas

W hen I was at school we had to read a book named “the boy in the striped pyjamas”  written by John Boyne, it was his most famous novel, won two Irish Book Awards and was a finalist for the British Book Award, has been translated into fifty-seven languages ​​and has sold eleven million copies worldwide. I remember I had to read-it for the español class when I was 15 years old. It's usually hard for me to like a book and get caught reading it, but this is one of the books I really get caught by the story. I could say this book can change your mindset about the reality of the 2nd world war, and the racism that existed. The story starts with a little guy who discovers that his things are being packed because the family is going to mov e to a new house far away. When they arrived the kid noticed a really tall and really long fence that cut him off from the strange people in the distance. But the little kid decides to explore his new environment and he meets another boy whose life and c