A family member

Locky is my dog he is 9 years old and he is a dachshund or sausage dog, he is brown with a little of white in his chest. We adopted him from a Pet Expo, and he lives with us in our department. 

The things he likes the most are to go outside, take a lot of sun, sleep in a human bed, get dirty, eat fruits, eat some socks, go travel and have his stomach scratched.

He is really hyperactive, he likes to destroy things and also steal some clothes and food. He dont like to meet new people, especially with the mens he doesn't have a good relationship with. When he was younger, one time we traveled with him to Easter Island, since he was naughty, he liked to escape and run away and even though we punished him, he didn't pay attention until one day he ran out and a motorcycle ran over his paw and luckily the injury was not too serious, but after that he never escaped again. For me and my brother, Locky is like another brother, he grew up with us from a very young age and accompanies us in everything, he even travels with us everywhere.


  1. Lucky Locky. He found a new home and people to love him.

  2. OMg my dog's name is the same but it's spelled Laky jajaja

  3. sounds like a great dog, mine was hyperactive too but we castrate him and he's now like a buddha haha

  4. the public demands pictures of Locky!!!!


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