Someone Interesting that I follow on Social Media

Jackson Lebsack is an influencer from Oregon, he do some videos on youtube and instagram. He is dedicated to filmmaking, and he started his career editing videos of ski and snowboarding. Right now he's doing a project with his friends where they travel thanks to some sponsors, and they try all the extreme sports they could.   

Also himself is a really good skier, he won a big award for skiing, and he spent 1 year filming Jamie O'brien, a really famous surfer, and that's how I met him.  

I have followed him since 2020 when I saw him in a Jamie O’brien video. At that time he was starting with his youtube channel.

An interesting thing is that I met him in person, during a trip to Hawaii I was surfing in Pipeline and I recognized him from the videos, so we started talking and told him that my friends and I wanted to do the same as him, doing surfing videos of the friend group. 

About Jackson I like that he’s living doing what he wants, also his content is really professional, he really cares about the quality. Sometimes I think about doing the same as him and start traveling with friends doing cool stuff and share it with the world. 



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