Top 5 Activities


The 13 september me and 5 more friends from the university decided to go skiing in El Colorado for the entire day. We started the day at cristobal house to organize the equipment, the car, and the food and drinks we needed for the whole day. We arrived at the top at 11 o'clock, and the weather was perfect, not too cloudy, and the sun was not too strong. Then we ski until 6pm. I really enjoy the day of skiing and the good company.     

Play video games:

During the past week I played a lot of video games, like league of legends, forza 4 and minecraft. With a group of friends from the school we decided to play some league of legends after months of not playing it, it was really funny because we were all really bad. 

Go Dance:

The past week my girlfriend and I went dancing to the discotheque 2 times, one at Santiago in the club XOXO, and the other at Algarrobo to Club R. We are a couple that really like dancing. 

Go to the beach:

For the past weekend my family, my girlfriend, some friends and I went to Algarrobo beach to celebrate the 18 september. My girlfriend and I stayed at my brother's house. We spent a lot of time on the beach playing football and diving. We visited the fair and I taught my girlfriend how to freedive.

Go to the Fonda:

On the 18th of September my girlfriend, friends, brother and I went to the fonda of Algarrobo. We bought some 2 liter terremotos, we ate a lot and we saw some groups of cumbia like Rafaga. We also played some fair games like throwing jars with a ball or embocar in the bottles. surely it was one of my best 18 september.     



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