
As a child I went to a French school and I had Spanish and English classes. I learned english at school for 7 years.   

I found it easy to learn English, the fact that the English language it's everywhere allows you to learn a little bit every time. Although it's not all easy, for me it is very difficult sometimes to remember words when I'm speaking with someone.       

Out of class I usually practice English with youtube videos and some films depending if the dubbing to spanish is good or not. Also in one of my friend's houses their parents speak in English every time so I practice my ear everytime when I am with them.    

In English classes I like listening activities or speaking activities because it's more useful and it requires more practice than writing in english.  

I think English will be useful in the future and it's also really useful right now, it is the main language of the world, even all the universities and schools teach how to speak English, it is a really important tool for every profession. Also if you like to travel you need to speak a bit of english.

About the English culture I found interesting the fact that in England they speak and look very different from the other countries that speak english.  


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