A Chilean Landmark

Rano Kau

The volcano Rano Kau is situated at Easter Island, right at the tip of the island, it's not too far from the town but is really hard to climb so I recommend going in a car.  

The last time I visited was in January during the summer holidays but during my whole life I have visited the volcano several times. 

I went with my friend Teiki just after the gym. We run up to do some cardio because the climb is really hard. But most of the time I went with my family or friends who are going to see it for the first time.

We stayed like an hour just talking about our lives because we hadn't met in a long time, and also we took some pictures because the day was too beautiful. 

First of all I like it because I haven't seen it in a long time, and it was amazing. It makes me feel like the first time I see it. Also the day was really beautiful, and the sunset was amazing, and the company was also really good, the whole vibe was perfect. Something I really like about the Rano Kau is the fact that it doesn't look like the others volcanoes, it is really special because in the interior it has a whole ecosystem with little islands and a lot of fresh water, and also the crater is really big and full of nature.  



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