On my radar

VInce Staples:

This snapshot talks about Vince Staples. Vince Staples is a 28-year-old actor and singer from Compton, California who starts his career as an artist doing hip hop and collaborating with some artists, and then he acted in several movies.

Vince mainly speaks about the growing pains of Pen15, one to watch Reggie Helms Jr and espcaping from it along the Pacific Coast Highway. Then he also talks about his carreer during the Pandemic, How he decorate his house, where he lived and he describe a film he like.

The part I found the most interesting is when he talks about his first home for himself, and he have been looking at books on architecture. And he found one that goes trough the different areas of the house: when they were built, who built them, how tracts used to be built, prototype homes, the idea of land. And he said that he was always been interested in architecture. I like this part because when I was younger I also like to see architectural books and dream about build my own house.

On my radar

I study Architecture at the University of Chile and I really like it, mi favourite class is taller because we do some models of differents materials and i really like to learn how to use the differents materials. 

18 September:
We are in september and the 18 is really close, I really enjoy the 18 september because I usually go celebrate it to the beach with my family and some friends, and we do a lot of barbecues and terremotos.

This years I found my passion for the cars and the mechanics, I have an old car that doesn't work, so this year I work to buy all the pieces to make it work, and y started to build the motor. 

The music is essential for me, I could hear music 24/7. The genre I like the most is EDM then Reggaeton and Reggae, I also work as a Dj and I started to learn how to do music.

My favourite place is the beach, I ussualy go to algarrobo beach because my brother live there. I like the beach because I like go surfing, diving and spearfishing.

This year I started doing atletism on the faculty team and they moved me to the team of the University of Chile. I have liked atletism since I was a child, at school I went to many atletism competitions.



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